About Christine

Hi I’m Christine,
We all feel better when we look after ourselves on a physical level. Is just looking after the physical body enough though?
I worked in a vitamin company for 5 years and owned a health food store with my husband for 9 years. Even though I was very much interested in all things metaphysical there was a lot more emphasis upon the health of the physical body at that time in my life.
Healing on the physical level was and still is a big part of my life. I feel that supporting our physical bodies with the correct nutrients (internally and externally) is extremely important to living a healthy existence.
Whilst owning the health food store I witnessed many lives positively transform by them changing certain habits or correcting certain nutrient imbalances, however there were some people that didn’t change no matter what they did.
This prompted me to revisit how I felt about healing in other ways and led me to learn more about how we as humans work on the metaphysical level (our energetic selves). I have been interested in all things metaphysical all my life and so when Reiki was introduced to me in 2001, I was naturally drawn to learn more about it. It was then I became attuned to Usui Reiki 1 and shortly after Usui Reiki 2. Over the years I have gained my Usui Reiki Masters and Seichim Masters, the energy of which feels incredible and extremely powerful. Karuna Healing Masters came next and is yet again another energy all together and feels even more powerful.
Apart from Reiki, I have learned many other wonderful healing systems such as DNA 1 & 2 Theta Healing and Orion (Vianna Stibal’s), Transfeel (The Institute Of Personal Empowerment), Living From Greatness techniques (William Whitecloud) as well as Past and Present Life healing therapies and emotional release healing . All of these methods have been extremely valuable in my life and still are.
Today I work very much intuitively using a combination of the above techniques along with whatever I am guided to do. During my healing sessions I often also use crystals, colour and aromatherapy.
How has this work helped me? I had a wonderful childhood, parents and upbringing, and so there was nothing to cause me grief or worry or a sense of unworthiness, however many times I felt that way. This healing journey showed me that these feelings were within the cellular memory of my body and needed releasing in order for me to feel better and move on. I have a confidence in myself now that was never there before and I’m living an enjoyable and fulfilling life that is true to who I really am!
Healing has not only helped me emotionally but also physically. My Mother, Father and three of my sisters all had thyroid issues in the past. Each one of those family members, over the years, had terrible symptoms that drove them to have thyroid operations and remain on medication indefinitely. After having my first child I began to experience the symptoms of a severely under active thyroid. I was freezing cold in the middle of summer and would have a nap in the middle of a hot summers day with a doonah over me. I had frequent heart palpitations and I had a lot of my hair falling out, not to mention felt extremely on edge and depressed.
I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid and later tests showed I had an autoimmune disorder. The doctor wanted to put me on medication straight away and I asked what would happen if I didn't go on medication. He said I would be dead by Christmas due to a heart attack. "Ok", I said to myself... "I had better do something about this and quick!!!" I asked if I could do this naturally as I didn't want to go on medication for the rest of my life. He was open to natural medicine, however very adamant that something needed to be done immediately. He gave me two or three weeks to see what I could do naturally and then I was to get back to him for another test. I did what I could using natural therapies such as Iodine and homeopathic medicines. I went back to the doctor and my test results were a little better than last time, however I was still quite unwell. I kept going with my regime of natural therapies and returning to the doctor for tests until my thyroid normalised again.
My thyroid seemed to be doing okay, however I always felt cold when other people didn't and my hair seemed to fall out more than other people's did.
Over time this healing work has encouraged me to connect with mine and my clients’ Spirit Guides and they have become of great assistance to me in many different ways. Our Spirit Guides are there to do just that, guide us and if we are prepared to ask for assistance and listen, then they are more than willing to respond and guide us accordingly.
Since starting this journey many years ago I’ve noticed more and more people opening up to healing on a metaphysical level. The concept that we are all made of energy and we store our feelings and emotions within the cells of our being is no longer new and strange.
Science is also now backing up these concepts – Check out David Wilcox, quantum physics, Deepak Chopra…
I am now happily married with two wonderful children and I run my own healing practice. What I love most of all is assisting people to release the excess baggage, stress, physical and emotional obstacles in their lives and to see them find the fun, joy and happiness that is rightfully theirs to experience. This involves using several healing methods and I tailor each consultation to suit the individual. No person is the same and thus no session is the same.
Doing this work has become a passion and a way of life for me and to be able to share the benefits of these wonderful healing methods is what I know I am supposed to do.
Much Love
We all feel better when we look after ourselves on a physical level. Is just looking after the physical body enough though?
I worked in a vitamin company for 5 years and owned a health food store with my husband for 9 years. Even though I was very much interested in all things metaphysical there was a lot more emphasis upon the health of the physical body at that time in my life.
Healing on the physical level was and still is a big part of my life. I feel that supporting our physical bodies with the correct nutrients (internally and externally) is extremely important to living a healthy existence.
Whilst owning the health food store I witnessed many lives positively transform by them changing certain habits or correcting certain nutrient imbalances, however there were some people that didn’t change no matter what they did.
This prompted me to revisit how I felt about healing in other ways and led me to learn more about how we as humans work on the metaphysical level (our energetic selves). I have been interested in all things metaphysical all my life and so when Reiki was introduced to me in 2001, I was naturally drawn to learn more about it. It was then I became attuned to Usui Reiki 1 and shortly after Usui Reiki 2. Over the years I have gained my Usui Reiki Masters and Seichim Masters, the energy of which feels incredible and extremely powerful. Karuna Healing Masters came next and is yet again another energy all together and feels even more powerful.
Apart from Reiki, I have learned many other wonderful healing systems such as DNA 1 & 2 Theta Healing and Orion (Vianna Stibal’s), Transfeel (The Institute Of Personal Empowerment), Living From Greatness techniques (William Whitecloud) as well as Past and Present Life healing therapies and emotional release healing . All of these methods have been extremely valuable in my life and still are.
Today I work very much intuitively using a combination of the above techniques along with whatever I am guided to do. During my healing sessions I often also use crystals, colour and aromatherapy.
How has this work helped me? I had a wonderful childhood, parents and upbringing, and so there was nothing to cause me grief or worry or a sense of unworthiness, however many times I felt that way. This healing journey showed me that these feelings were within the cellular memory of my body and needed releasing in order for me to feel better and move on. I have a confidence in myself now that was never there before and I’m living an enjoyable and fulfilling life that is true to who I really am!
Healing has not only helped me emotionally but also physically. My Mother, Father and three of my sisters all had thyroid issues in the past. Each one of those family members, over the years, had terrible symptoms that drove them to have thyroid operations and remain on medication indefinitely. After having my first child I began to experience the symptoms of a severely under active thyroid. I was freezing cold in the middle of summer and would have a nap in the middle of a hot summers day with a doonah over me. I had frequent heart palpitations and I had a lot of my hair falling out, not to mention felt extremely on edge and depressed.
I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid and later tests showed I had an autoimmune disorder. The doctor wanted to put me on medication straight away and I asked what would happen if I didn't go on medication. He said I would be dead by Christmas due to a heart attack. "Ok", I said to myself... "I had better do something about this and quick!!!" I asked if I could do this naturally as I didn't want to go on medication for the rest of my life. He was open to natural medicine, however very adamant that something needed to be done immediately. He gave me two or three weeks to see what I could do naturally and then I was to get back to him for another test. I did what I could using natural therapies such as Iodine and homeopathic medicines. I went back to the doctor and my test results were a little better than last time, however I was still quite unwell. I kept going with my regime of natural therapies and returning to the doctor for tests until my thyroid normalised again.
My thyroid seemed to be doing okay, however I always felt cold when other people didn't and my hair seemed to fall out more than other people's did.
Over time this healing work has encouraged me to connect with mine and my clients’ Spirit Guides and they have become of great assistance to me in many different ways. Our Spirit Guides are there to do just that, guide us and if we are prepared to ask for assistance and listen, then they are more than willing to respond and guide us accordingly.
Since starting this journey many years ago I’ve noticed more and more people opening up to healing on a metaphysical level. The concept that we are all made of energy and we store our feelings and emotions within the cells of our being is no longer new and strange.
Science is also now backing up these concepts – Check out David Wilcox, quantum physics, Deepak Chopra…
I am now happily married with two wonderful children and I run my own healing practice. What I love most of all is assisting people to release the excess baggage, stress, physical and emotional obstacles in their lives and to see them find the fun, joy and happiness that is rightfully theirs to experience. This involves using several healing methods and I tailor each consultation to suit the individual. No person is the same and thus no session is the same.
Doing this work has become a passion and a way of life for me and to be able to share the benefits of these wonderful healing methods is what I know I am supposed to do.
Much Love